cpuc irp 2021amelia christine linden
The IRP "Procurement Track" was initiated in 2019, as ordered in D.19-04-040, to explore possible actions the Commission could take to address potential reliability or other procurement needs while the 2019-20 IRP cycle is underway.. Procurement Track Rulings and Decisions: Final Decision Requiring Procurement to Address Mid-Term Reliability, 6/24/2021 An Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is required by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Integrated Resource Planning Offshore Wind Workshop 12-17-2021 Resource Planning. While the previous Long-Term Procurement Plan cycle focused primarily on reliability and the need for flexible resources, the California Public Utilities Commission's (CPUC or Commission) 2017 IRP Reference System Plan (RSP) did not CPUC moves forward with plan to prevent 2021 blackouts ... (IRP) Created Date: 6/9/2021 9:55:11 AM . • 2021 Recommendations - Immediately seek resources for 2021 - Increase RA procurement targets (gross/net peaks, June-October) - Consider changes to scheduling, exports, performance incentives and penalties - Track battery development to explore expedited in service dates - Increase coordination with non-CPUC entities regarding . Date: 2/12/2021: Action: NOTICE : Description PacifiCorp's Request for Extension of the 2021 IRP Filing to September 1, 2021. Verification. CPUC Approves 2021 Avoided Costs for Valuing Distributed ... California Public Utilities Commission 1. 2021 IRP - Guam Power Authority California Public Utilities CommissionSource: . All load serving entities (LSEs) provide an IRP which the CPUC uses to ensure that all LSEs meet targets that allow the electricity sector to contribute to California's economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. In their June 30, 2021 decision, the CPUC ordered the procurement of 11,500 MW of net qualifying capacity (NQC) to come online from 2023 to 2026. Presentation - CPUC 2021 Energy Efficiency Potential and Goals Proceeding R.20-05-003. Reply comments are invited to be filed and served by no later than April 2, 2021. Xcel Energy's Integrated Resource Plan. Green Mountain Power Files Integrated Resource Plan to ... The IRP is a long-term (typically 20 years) resource acquisition plan that utilities in Oregon are required to file every two years with the PUC. The IRP is a forward looking document that requires utilities to give advance notice of how they plan to . CPUC IRP 2022-2023 TPP Workshop . The focus will not be on the deliberative matters discussed in the Preferred System Plan ruling issued in August 2021, but rather on the IRP . IRP & TPP Context Through the IRP process, the CPUC generates portfolios of electrical generation, distributed energy resources, storage, and transmission resources designed to meet the state s greenhouse gas emission Over the past two years, the CPUC has issued two decisions for additional procurement in the Integrated Resource Planning proceeding. October 18, 20193 Staff Proposal for the 2020-2021 TPP 3. March 2021. CPUC Approves 2021 Avoided Costs for Valuing Distributed ... 38 MMT Resource Data Template. Integrated Resource Planning Offshore Wind Workshop 12-17-2021 Notice of public hearings 2021 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN FILING CPUC Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Scoping Plan Workshop June 2021. California Public Utilities Commission - CPUC Helps Ensure ... On September 1, 2020, PG&E and other LSEs filed their 2020 Plans. PUC G-008/RP-21-33 . A preview of the San Joaquin Valley in a High-Electrification Scenario. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES' 2021 ELECTRIC INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. Introduction to RCEA's IRP In accordance with the requirements of California Public Utilities Code Sections 454.51 and 454.52 and Commission Decisions ("D.") 18-02-018, D.19-11-016, and D.20-03-028, RCEA is providing its load serving entity ("LSE") -specific Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") to the Commission for certification Meanwhile, in a separate track of the IRP proceeding, the CPUC is currently developing the 2019-20 Reference System Plan. Clark Public Utilities - 12020 Integrated Resource Plan Executive Summary Executive Summary Purpose Washington State requires public utilities that are not full requirements purchasers of Bonneville Power Administration and that serve more than 25,000 customers to complete an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) in accordance with RCW 19.280. 2021 Resource Data Template v2. What: Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Offshore Wind WorkshopWhen: December 17, 2021, 10 a.m.Workshop Objectives: To further develop understanding of the r. October 28, 2021 The 2019 IRP was submitted to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) and the Public Utility Commission of Oregon (OPUC) in June 2019. The Gas Company (Gasco, TGC) proposed getting customers to switch from oil to gas. the IRP to the California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC"), rather than in March 2020 (as . CPUC moves forward with plan to prevent 2021 blackouts despite criticism from environmental groups Published Feb. 12, 2021 Kavya Balaraman Senior Reporter The California Public Utilities Commission on Feb. 8 adopted an integrated resource planning process designed to implement the state's greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. The Commission ruled against this position on September 15, 1995. U-21090.IRPs, required under Michigan's 2016 Energy Laws, Public Act 341 of 2016, are long term plans, developed by the electric utility, that outline the utility's plans for providing reliable, cost-effective electric service to its customers over short term, mid-term, and . This is an increase of $107,600,000 from This plan directly affects customers in Minnesota and sets the tone for how . On August 17, 2021, the CPUC's Integrated Resource Plan proceeding asked for public comment on whether there are initial actions the CPUC should take this year, prior to the completion of the full Aliso Canyon analysis, to address interactions between the electricity and natural gas systems in the Los Angeles Basin. For this reason, each . process was received from the CPUC and CEC • The CPUC IRP Base Case portfolio - is used for the reliability, policy and economic assessment 2020. State and federal policy. The amended IRP was submitted Jan. 31, 2020. On June 24th the CPUC approved the 2021 update to the Distributed Energy Resources Avoided Cost Calculator (ACC) in a 5-0 vote. Utility Dive covered the meeting and featured The Protect Our Communities Foundation's (PCF) comments and recommendations. Richmond, VA -- Last night, Virginia's State Corporation Commission (SCC) not only rejected Dominion Energy's Integrated Resources Plan (IRP) that would cost consumers millions of dollars and needlessly further reliance on dirty and uneconomic fossil fuel infrastructure but is requiring Dominion to address the environmental justice impacts of its various resource plans. OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS . • On November 7, 2019, the California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") voted out a revised IRP Procurement Track proposed decision("PD") requiring electric system reliability procurement for 2021- 2023 in the Integrated Resource Planning proceeding, Rulemaking 16- 02-007 Mossyrock - One of Seven of Our Dams. San Diego Gas & Electric Company ("SDG&E") seeks through the IRP Reliability Request for Offers to procure resources to meet electric system reliability needs as required by California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") Decision 21-06-035.The Decision requires SDG&E to solicit offers from owners and operators for the purchase of eligible resource adequacy ("RA") to come online by . Integrated Resource Plan. 2020 (not 2021) was the first time using a dramatically revised ACC methodology that increased consistency between the IRP and IDER ACC proceedings. This TPP will be studying 2031 as the tenth year. Integrated Resource Planning (IRP)(R.20-05-003) and Procurement-Related Activities . March 19, 2021. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENERGY DIVISION RESOLUTION E-5150 . 2020 and 2021 for a total authority of $517,600,000. 35257 On March 31, 2021, Avista Corporation dba Avista Utilities ("Company") filed its 2021 Electric Integrated Resource Plan ("Electric IRP" or "IRP"). Objective: To further develop understanding of the role of the CPUC's integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process in relation to California offshore wind development. The Consumers Energy's IRP. For the reasons set forth below, Sierra Club requests that the Commission direct PacifiCorp to file its IRP no later than July 15, 2021, which will still provide procurement/long -term-procurement-planning/2019 -20-irp-events-and-materials 3 / 270. In addition, in early December 2019, the CPUC will be taking comment on the accuracy of the list of "baseline resources", against which the Commission will evaluate whether LSE procurement is "incremental". FOR THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . to seek contracts for additional power capacity for Summer 2021 reliability. extension to delay filing its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") by approximately five months, or until September 1, 2021. Workshop Objectives: To further develop understanding of the role of the CPUC's Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process in relation to Californian offshore wind development. Minnesota Public Utilities Commission 121 7th Place East, Suite 350 St. Paul, MN 55101-2147 Re: In the Matter of Minnesota Power's Application for Approval of its 2021-2035 Integrated Resource Plan Docket No. AVU-E-21-04 ORDER NO. In August 2020, the CPUC approved seven clean energy contracts for PG&E to meet its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan incremental procurement requirements of 716.9 MW of resource adequacy capacity, at least 50% of which to be online by August 1, 2021. Rulemaking 20-05-003 DECISION REQUIRING PROCUREMENT TO ADDRESS MID-TERM RELIABILITY (2023-2026) Sierra Club's Comments on PacifiCorp's IRP Extension Request, filed by Rose Monahan. The IRP is a 15 . Otter Tail Power IRP . the Tehachapi / West Mojave region. Anticipated in late 2021. It will implement a process for integrated resource planning that will ensure that load serving entities (LSEs) meet targets that . FY 2012 Integrated Resource Plan . Integrated Resource Plan. Latest News & Update. Integrated Resource Plan 2019-2020. In August 2020, the CPUC approved seven clean energy contracts for PG&E to meet its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan incremental procurement requirements of 716.9 MW of resource adequacy capacity, at . The first year of the two-year process is designed to evaluate appropriate GHG emission targets and identify the optimal mix of system-wide resources capable of meeting these GHG planning targets. analysis were used by the CPUC in its mapping of resources to locations for its most recent portfolios - those that will be used for the CAISO's 2021- 2022 TPP. •CPUC noted in its November 23, 2021 presentation that "the current Planning Reserve Margin has become increasingly divorced from a LOLE study The CAISO's analysis enabled additional siting of IRP resources in low -cost areas and provided information for the CPUC to use in that assessment. In addition, in early December 2019, the CPUC will be taking comment on the accuracy of the list of "baseline resources", against which the Commission will evaluate whether LSE procurement is "incremental". The first time using the CPUC's production simulation model led to some counter intuitive results and 2020. IRP highlights Minnesota Power submitted its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on Feb. 1. Proceeding R.20-05-003. On June 17, 2021 the California Public Utilities Commission held an "All-Party Meeting" to discuss the proposed and alternate proposed decisions pending before the Commission regarding the procurement of 11,500 MW of new electricity generation capacity. Unpublished and . STATE OF MINNESOTA . Green Mountain Power (GMP) filed its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with the Vermont Public Utility Commission (PUC) this afternoon, a report that is updated every three years. Webinar - 12/17/2021 - IRP Offshore Wind Roadmap Workshop. . PG&E's 2020 Integrated Resource Plan. What Minnesota Power wants to achieve compared to the total installed solar assumed in the CPUC IRP . the ACC, the Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) proceeding (R.16-02-007), and the Distributed Resource Planning proceeding (R.14-08-013) . February 15, 2021. In accordance with the requirements of California Public Utilities Code Sections 454.51 and 454.52 and Commission Decisions ("D.") 20-03-028, MBCP is providing the Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") to the California Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") for certification and use in the Commission's statewide planning process. June 25, 2021 Mohit Chhabra. The California Public Utilities Commission proposed Friday requiring electric providers to procure 11.5 GW of new resources between 2023 and 2026 to meet the state . Fewer solar sites selected in . 2021 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN. E017/RP-21-339). California Public Utilities Commission Savings Metric Program Type 2022 Goals -Previous Study 2022 Goals -New Study March 30, 2021. Integrated Resource Planning, (also known as IRP or a resource plan), is the process where a utility, the Commission, and stakeholders examine a utility's current and planned electricity generation for the next 15 years. Pacific Power (also known as PacifiCorp) filed its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) on September 1, 2021, with the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC). … Meanwhile, in a separate track of the IRP proceeding, the CPUC is currently developing the 2019-20 Reference System Plan. California ISO Public 2020-2021 Transmission Planning Process December 2019. What: Mid-term Reliability Analysis and Proposed Procurement Requirements Ruling When: Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm The purpose of the wor. CPUC Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) • Establishes GHG target within CARB's range for CPUC - jurisdictional LSEs . CPUC Approves 2021 Avoided Costs for Valuing Distributed Energy Resources June 28, 2021. In July 2019, Idaho Power informed the commissions that the company needed to perform supplemental analysis related to the modeling approach used to develop the IRP. PG&E's IRP consists of a narrative describing: April 2020. energy. ALLOCATIONS, AND INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN TIME CHANGE RECOMMENDATION . The inaugural IRP process introduces new constraints and considerations into the planning process. 2011 LNG Study, Download 7.92 MB pdf - A feasibility investigation for Liquefied Natural Gas as a fuel source for GPA generation fleet. Hudson Sangree. The IRP is a roadmap as GMP continues its work to strengthen the greater grid to increase resiliency for Vermont communities, while driving down costs and enabling . 12/13/2019 - RFO Launched; San Diego Gas & Electric Company ("SDG&E") seeks through the IRP Reliability Request for Offers to procure resources to meet electric system reliability needs as required by California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") Decision D.19-11-016.The Decision requires SDG&E to make incremental procurement of system-level qualifying . The CPUC determined that good cause has not been demonstrated to grant rehearing of D.21-02-028. This matter came before Administrative Law Judge Eric L. Lipman for a series of Consumers Energy filed its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) on June 30, 2021 in MPSC Case No. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) adopted a decision to acquire 11.5 GW of mostly carbon . • Updating IRP to account for changes to CPUC 2021 reference system plan Describe how the Consultant will avoid conflicts of interest with other power providers and/or regulatory bodies while providing this service • Name, position, and short biography of employee(s) responsible for providing this . ALJ/ JF2/ mef 8/ 17/ 2021 BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Order Instituting Rulemaking to Continue Electric Integrated Resource Planning and Related Procurement . E015/RP-21-33 Dear Mr. Seuffert: With this filing, Minnesota Power hereby presents its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") for Resolution E-5150 June 24, 2021 . SL1. Approximately every four years, we complete a full refresh of the IRP. in the 2021 Joint IRP. Introduction Estrella Substation and Paso Robles Area Reinforcement Project Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report 1-2 November 2021 Project 17.010 1.1 Comments Received on the Draft Environmental Impact Report CPUC received a total of 129 letters during the public review period for the DEIR. The CPUC's vote to significantly change the decision proposed by an administrative law judge in the state-wide integrated resource planning (IRP) proceeding came a week after influential environmental groups and clean-energy advocates implored Gov. On July 1st, 2020 Xcel Energy filed it draft Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a tool to help Tacoma Power plan for an uncertain future so we can continue to meet our customers' needs for decades to come. (PUC) The IRP lays out Xcel's plans for electricity generation for the next 15 years. Advocacy at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) . IRP capacity expansion modeling. Staff propose to transmit to the CAISO three resource portfolios for the 2021-2022 Transmission Planning Process (TPP). 2021 CPUC. Requires the CPUC, in consultation with the CEC, CARB, and all California balancing authorities, to issue a joint report to the Legislature by January 1, 2021, reviewing and evaluating the 100% clean energy policy. In particular, the state of Nevada instituted aggressive green energy policies and goals that impact the Companies. What: Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Offshore Wind WorkshopWhen: December 17, 2021, 10 a.m.Workshop Objectives: To further develop understanding of the r. •In Dec. 2021, CPUC is expected to adopt a Preferred System Plan that: •Establishes a (potentially new) . Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) in California is a biennial process in which the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requires load-serving entities (LSEs) to detail the procured and planned resources in their portfolio, along with the associated tactics and timelines, to ensure California has a safe, reliable, and cost-effective electricity . The Public Utilities Commission established the Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process in the early 1990s to address greater community participation in utility planning. submitted into the CPUC IRP proceeding shows that when considering just the qualifying capacity of available resources, the resource adequacy deficiency in 2021 during the gross peak demand hour may be as high as 2,300 MW. Narrative. On June 24th the CPUC approved the 2021 update to the Distributed Energy Resources Avoided Cost Calculator (ACC) in a 5-0 vote. . (CPUC IRP, CPUC RA, CAISO RA, CAISO CPM) Seeking consistency across rules will reduce regulatory uncertainty, complexity and . To Be Determined: Workshop on RPS/IRP (Integrated Resource Planning) Coordination 2019: ALJ Rulings/Commission Decision needed to coordinate with the IRP proceeding On November 13, the CPUC issued D.18-11-004 , implementing Assembly Bill 1923 provisions on interconnection rules for the Bioenergy Feed-In Tariff under the state's RPS. . May 23, 2021. This Gallery is a place for interested parties to view the CPUC Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Bus Bar Mapping Results, for input to the CAISO Transmission Planning Process. Presentations slides. PH O N E 651-296-0406 • TO L L FR E E 1-800-657-3782 • FA X 651-297-7073 121 TH7 PL A C E EA S T • SU I T E 350 • SA I N T PA U L, MI N N E S O T A 55101-2147 MN.G O V /P U C NOTICE OF COMMENT PERIOD Issued: February 3, 2021 In the Matter of Minnesota Power's 2021-2035 Integrated Resource Plan PUC Docket Number: E015/RP-21-33 Webinar recording. We also revisit and make small updates to . 2021. ALJ/JF2/avs Date of Issuance 6/30/2021 Decision 21-06-035 June 24, 2021 BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Order Instituting Rulemaking to Continue Electric Integrated Resource Planning and Related Procurement Processes. The IRP is a roadmap as GMP continues its work to strengthen the greater grid to increase resiliency for Vermont communities, while driving down . Otter Tail Power Company ("Otter Tail" or "the Company") serves approximately 64,000 customers in northern Minnesota, as well as customers in North and South Dakota. The Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS") has Workshop Objectives: To further develop understanding of the role of the CPUC's Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process in relation to Californian offshore wind development. R.20-05-003 ALJ/JF2/mef - 3 - Gavin Newsom (D) to intervene on the matter. •EE-IRP Analysis: Use IRP to assess screen for cost effectiveness . CPUC's Clean Energy Order: Necessary, Timely, and Ambitious. 1. Introduction This Integrated Resources Planning (IRP) proceeding, like the previous one, has a procurement track,1 designed to address any procurement needs that may arise in parallel to the long-term planning activities that are ongoing. The IRP explains how the company plans to produce electricity for its customers for the next 15 years, and the Commission is gathering input on the plan from the public. Copies being served to LC 70 and Electric Service Lists. The unambiguous and audacious goal of the IRP Ruling's renewable hydrogen mandate is "to help support a transition toward . 46 MMT Clean System Power Calculator. SL3. 46 MMT Resource Data Template. CPUC Staff plan to improve the quality of the data used in modeling offshore wind resources in the . As the Companies prepare and file this 2021 Joint IRP, the uncertainty has been resolved but there are challenges and opportunities that remain. However, the operational deficiency between 4 PM and 9 PM may be (Public Utilities Code § 454.53) 2) Requires the CPUC and CEC, in consultation with CARB, to take steps to ensure that a Filed by Etta Lockey. In the Matter of Minnesota Power's 2021-2035 Integrated Resource Plan SUMMARY OF PUBLIC TESTIMONY . The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has issued a Ruling in its Integrated Resources Plan (IRP) proceeding that proposes to meet a significant portion of new capacity for electricity generation with "green" or "renewable" hydrogen rather than fossil fuels. California Public Utilities Commission Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) in California Today • The objective of integrated resource planning is to reduce the cost of achieving GHG . FY 2016 GPA Response to PUC on New Power Plant and Implementation of 2012-2013 IRP (Docket 15-05) Download 40.1 MB pdf . California Public Utilities Commission Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) EPIC Policy & Innovation Forum Energy Division - James McGarry. The 2021 Avoided Costs are robust and in line with industry trends. The proceeding is also the Commission's primary venue for implementation of the Senate Bill (SB) 350 requirements related to integrated resource planning (IRP) (Public Utilities Code Sections 454.51 and 454.52). California Public Utilities Commission CPUC 2021 Energy Efficiency Potential and Goals Coby Rudolph . . TNC, CEC SB100 Transmission Workshop, 7/22/21 128. The focus will not be on the deliberative matters discussed in the Preferred System Plan ruling issued in August 2021, but rather on the IRP . For further context please refer to the California Public Utilities Commission IRP webpage: California Public Utilities Commission Daily Calendar Thursday, December 16, 2021 Page 5 01/19/22 10:00 a.m. ALJ Chiv Comr Batjer R.19-11-009 (WS) - Order Instituting Rulemaking to Oversee the Resource Adequacy Program, Consider Program Refinements, and Establish Forward Resource Adequacy Procurement Obligations. For more information visit the CPUC IRP […] COLCHESTER, Vt. - Green Mountain Power (GMP) filed its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with the Vermont Public Utility Commission (PUC) this afternoon, a report that is updated every three years. PG&E's IRP filed at the CPUC presents PG&E's plan to meet the CPUC's 2019-20 IRP objectives and statewide clean energy goals in a reliable and cost-effective manner. On September 1, 2021, the utility filed its Integrated Resource Plan for 2022-2036 with the Minnesota PUC (see Docket No. Dec. 2021, the CPUC IRP led to some counter intuitive results and.! 1, 2020 San Joaquin Valley in a High-Electrification Scenario //www.cpuc.ca.gov/industries-and-topics/electrical-energy/electric-power-procurement/long-term-procurement-planning/2022-irp-cycle-events-and-materials '' > City of Baldwin Park Integrated Plan. Irp ) on June 24th the CPUC is currently developing the 2019-20 Reference Plan. Out Xcel & # x27 ; s ( PCF ) comments and recommendations ), and the Distributed Resource that! Fy 2016 GPA Response to PUC on new Power Plant and Implementation of 2012-2013 IRP ( 15-05... Entities ( LSEs ) meet targets that its Integrated Resource Plan - California... < /a > 19! 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