empire colonial portugais
The empire began in the 15th century, and from the early 16th century it stretched across the globe, with bases in North and South America, Africa, and various regions of Asia and Oceania.[1][2][3]. [203], The rise of Soviet influence among the Movimento das Forças Armadas's military (MFA) and working class, and the cost and unpopularity of the Portuguese Colonial War (1961–1974), in which Portugal resisted to the emerging nationalist guerrilla movements in some of its African territories, eventually led to the collapse of the Estado Novo regime in 1974. Dans le golfe persique, les Portugais expulsés d'Ormuz se rabattent sur Mascate et ses dépendances. Cette mesure, considérée comme exceptionnelle et transitoire au Portugal, est maintenue après le congrès de Vienne de 1815, ce qui provoque un fort mécontentement en métropole. Le Brésil colonial inaugure une nouvelle ère de l'or, tandis que le roi José Ier met en place de profondes réformes depuis Lisbonne. [180] Among the conspiracies led by the Afro- population was the Bahian revolt in 1798, led primarily by João de Deus do Nascimento. En 1460, à la mort d'Henri, les Portugais ont atteint le golfe de Guinée. Under António Salazar (in office 1932–1968), the Second Portuguese Republic made some ill-fated attempts to cling on to its last remaining colonies. [178] However, the diminished influence from states such as the United Kingdom increased the Kingdom's dependence upon Brazil. In contrast to Almeida, Albuquerque was more concerned with strengthening the navy,[51] as well as being more compliant with the interests of the kingdom. In 1487, an overland expedition by Pêro da Covilhã made its way to India, exploring trade opportunities with the Indians and Arabs, and winding up finally in Ethiopia. The Akan within the 'Minas' group had a reputation to have been experts in extrapolating gold in their native regions, and became the preferred group. L'Empire portugais d'Asie, de Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Maisonneuve et Larose, 1999. Ces guerres coûtent la vie à 14 000 portugais (De plus, au moins 20 000 soldats reviendront handicapés ou mutilés, généralement du fait des mines, et plus de 140 000 resteront traumatisés). [168], Africans and Afro-Brazilians became the largest group of people in Minas Gerais. Les raisons de cette première incursion sont multiples : volonté de poursuivre la croisade chrétienne contre l'islam ; promesse de gloire et de richesse pour la noblesse militaire qu'il faut occuper ; occasion de développer le commerce et l'économie portugaise en déclin. In spite of free blacks and mulattoes playing a large role in Minas Gerais, the number of them that received marginalization was greater there than in any other region in Brazil. [209] Under the transfer agreement, Macau is to be governed under a one country, two systems policy, in which it will retain a high degree of autonomy and maintain its capitalist way of life for at least 50 years after the handover in 2049. Empire colonial portugais. Once this psychological barrier had been crossed, it became easier to probe further along the coast. All correspondence concerning overseas possessions were funneled through the council. The first feitoria trade post overseas was established in 1445 on the island of Arguin, off the coast of Mauritania, to attract Muslim traders and monopolize the business in the routes travelled in North Africa. The Dutch also had regional control of the lucrative sugar-producing region of northeast Brazil as well as Luanda, but the Portuguese regained these territories after considerable struggle. [192], In 1914, the German Empire formulated plans to usurp Angola from Portuguese control. According to economic historians, Portugal's colonial trade had a substantial positive impact on Portuguese economic growth, 1500–1800. [44], A Portuguese fleet under the command of Tristão da Cunha and Afonso de Albuquerque conquered Socotra at the entrance of the Red Sea in 1506 and Muscat in 1507. Jean II va également pouvoir s'appuyer sur bien plus de ressources étant donné qu'à la vingtaine de kilos d'or annuel provenant d'Arguin, s'ajoutent des centaines de kilos supplémentaires venant de la mine d'Elmina grâce à son père. Some examples are Albanian portokall, Bulgarian портокал (portokal), Greek πορτοκάλι (portokali), Macedonian портокал (portokal), Persian پرتقال (porteghal), and Romanian portocală. ), leaving settlers to come up with new revenue sources. [43] In the same year, Manuel I ordered Almeida to fortify the Portuguese fortresses in Kerala and within eastern Africa, as well as probe into the prospects of building forts in Sri Lanka and Malacca in response to growing hostilities with Muslims within those regions and threats from the Mamluk sultan. These developments allowed the entry of chartered companies into the East Indies. Additional Physical Format: Online version: Frochot, Michel. L'Empire colonial portugais.. [Lith. Portugal followed suit, thus entering World War I. [161] A distinguished seventeenth-century member was Salvador de Sá. L'Histoire des Colonisations passe sur Youtube avec un épisode d'introduction sur l'Empire Portugais, le père de tous les empires! L'auteur a tenu compte des progrès de l'historiographie, de la Révolution des Oeillets, de la décolonisation (rattachement de Goa à l'Inde, indépendance de l'Angola, du Cap-Vert, de la Guinée-Bissau, du Mozambique, de Saint-Thomas et Prince). Alors que l'empire espagnol est continental, fondé sur la possession et l'exploitation des terres, l'empire portugais reste essentiellement maritime et littoral, grâce à l'établissement de comptoirs commerciaux. [144], However, the union meant that Spain dragged Portugal into its conflicts with England, France and the Dutch Republic, countries which were beginning to establish their own overseas empires. [163], After the Portuguese were defeated by the Indian rulers Chimnaji Appa of the Maratha Empire[164][165] and by Shivappa Nayaka of the Keladi Nayaka Kingdom[166] and at the end of confrontations with the Dutch, Portugal was only able to cling onto Goa and several minor bases in India, and managed to regain territories in Brazil and Africa, but lost forever to prominence in Asia as trade was diverted through increasing numbers of English, Dutch and French trading posts. Already cultivated in Algarve, the accessibility of Madeira attracted Genoese and Flemish traders keen to bypass Venetian monopolies. Très vite le commerce très lucratif de l'or, de l'ivoire et des esclaves se substitue à l'esprit de découverte et de croisade. L’histoire de l’empire portugais en Asie, du milieu du xvie siècle à 1630-40, fut marquée par une stabilité remarquable. Enfin Macao est rétrocédée à la République populaire de Chine en 1999. Il existe un autre héritage lié à la présence portugaise dans les anciennes colonies comme le Brésil, l'Angola, le Mozambique, le Cap-Vert, Macao, la Guinée-Bissau et d'autres. In 1916, there was only one attack on the Portuguese territory, in Madeira. The origin of the Kingdom of Portugal lay in the reconquista, the gradual reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the Moors. [168], The gold rush considerably increased the revenue of the Portuguese crown, who charged a fifth of all the ore mined, or the "fifth". En exploitant ces territoires, ils développent un système économique colonial moderne (avec des cultures exotiques comme la canne à sucre), et débutent la traite négrière européenne ; ainsi, la première cargaison d'esclaves, capturés près du cap Blanc, arrive à Lagos (Algave) en 1444. [210], Presently, the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) serves as the cultural and intergovernmental successor of the Empire. The British Ultimatum of 1890 was imposed upon King Carlos I of Portugal and the Pink Map came to an end. At the Cortes of Tomar in 1581, Philip was crowned Philip I of Portugal, uniting the two crowns and overseas empires under Spanish Habsburg rule in a dynastic Iberian Union. In the 1730s contact with Spanish outposts occurred more frequently, and the Spanish threatened to launch a military expedition in order to remove them. [13], The main Portuguese goal was trade, not colonization or conquest. The Chinese then massacred Portuguese who resided at Ningbo and Fujian trading posts in 1545 and 1549, due to extensive and damaging raids by the Portuguese along the coast, which irritated the Chinese. [101] In 1579, Ndongo ruler Ngola Kiluanje kia Ndamdi massacred Portuguese and Kongolese residents in the Ndongo capital Kabasa under the influence of Portuguese renegades. La population combinée des neuf membres est d'environ 270 millions d'individus. [72][73] In 1514, Afonso de Albuquerque, the Viceroy of the Estado da India, dispatched Italian Rafael Perestrello to sail to China in order to pioneer European trade relations with the nation. L 'empire colonial portugais désigne les territoires d'outre-mer occupés et administrés par le Portugal entre le début du XVe siècle et le XXe siècle. Il s'agit de l'usage du portugais qui, du fait de sa pratique quotidienne durant plusieurs siècles, est devenu la langue officielle de ces pays. [30], In 1492 Christopher Columbus's after-discovery for Spain of the New World, which he believed to be Asia, led to disputes between the Spanish and Portuguese. After nearly three years of fighting (from a Portuguese perspective), World War I ended, with an armistice being signed by Germany. [16] A major advance that accelerated this project was the introduction of the caravel in the mid-15th century, a ship that could be sailed closer to the wind than any other in operation in Europe at the time. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Empire colonial portugais. The ensuing Cold War also created instabilities among Portuguese overseas populations, as the United States and Soviet Union vied to increase their spheres of influence. [67], Jorge Alvares was the first European to reach China by sea, while the Romans were the first overland via Asia Minor. De 1580 à 1640, le Portugal, gouverné par les Habsbourg d'Espagne, est réuni à la Monarchie catholique dans l'Union ibérique, et les Néerlandais, nouvellement indépendants de l'Espagne, ainsi que les Anglais, ennemis traditionnels des souverains espagnols, en profitent pour s'emparer de nombreux comptoirs et colonies portugais. Even before the war's final resolution, the crown established the Overseas Council, conceived in 1642 on the short-lived model of the Council of India (1604–1614), and established in 1643, it was the governing body for most of the Portuguese overseas empire. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 19 décembre 2020 à 20:43. [140] Philip even had the capital moved to Lisbon for a two-year period (1581–83) due to it being the most important city in the Iberian peninsula. Des contacts commerciaux sont établis avec les populations côtières africaines, pour acquérir des ressources précieuses (esclaves, or ou ivoire), et des comptoirs sont alors établis, dont le plus important est celui d'Elmina (actuel Ghana), fondé en 1482. [196] In 1917, one of the actions taken by Portugal was to assist Britain in its timber industry, imperative to the war effort. [151] That same year, Cornelis de Houtman was sent by Dutch merchants to Lisbon, to gather as much information as he could about the Spice Islands. Portugal enjoyed a virtual monopoly on the African seaborne slave trade for over a century, importing around 800 slaves annually. [147] In addition to this newly acquired access to the Spanish asientos, the Portuguese were able to solve their bullion shortage issues with access to the production of the silver mining in Peru and Mexico. En Extrême-Orient, les activités autrefois dévolues à Malacca sont à présent déviées vers Timor et Macao. Officiellement, on lui a longtemps préféré celui d’« Outre-mer portugais » (Ultramar português) avant d'adopter temporairement le terme d’« Empire colonial portugais » entre 1930 et 1951. [123] Both were dedicated to the crop of sugar cane, and the settlers managed to maintain alliances with Native Americans. [187][188], At the height of European colonialism in the 19th century, Portugal had lost its territory in South America and all but a few bases in Asia. [157] They would continue to use Muscat as a base for repetitive incursions within the Indian Ocean, including capturing Fort Jesus in 1698. La première consiste en l'évaluation des potentialités de commerce et le respect des compromis établis entre la couronne et l'Infant Henri le Navigateur (1448 - 1460). Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. [81] The Portuguese traded regularly with the Bruneian Empire from 1530 and described the capital of Brunei as surrounded by a stone wall. Ils planifient une expédition militaire visant directement les terres musulmanes du nord de l'Afrique, aux mains des Mérinides. Although he failed to spike the gold revenue, two short-term companies he established for the plantation economy drove a significant increase in production of cotton, rice, cacao, tobacco, sugar. Hachette tourisme, 2000. [179], Encouraged by the example of the United States of America, which had won its independence from Britain, the colonial province of Minas Gerais attempted to achieve the same objective in 1789. Après avoir formé un royaume indépendant en 1139, le Portugal termine sa reconquête en 1249 après avoir atteint l'Algarve. [68][69][70][71] He was also the first European to discover Hong Kong. Le navigateur portugais Vasco de Gama effectua 3 voyages en Inde par la mer entre 1497 et 1524. [134] They launched two attacks in 1561 and 1564 (the latter event was assisting the French), and were nearly successful with each. [200], In the wake of World War II, decolonization movements began to gain momentum in the empires of the European powers. [113] Expeditions sponsored by Francis I along the North American coast directly violated of the Treaty of Tordesilhas. En plus des neuf membres permanents, la CPLP regroupe six observateurs : la Géorgie, le Japon, la République de Maurice, la Namibie, le Sénégal et la Turquie[réf. [124] The establishment of the sugar cane industry demanded intensive labor that would be met with Native American and, later, African slaves. À cette époque, on ne connaît pas ce qui se trouve au-delà du cap Bojador. However, the Inconfidência Mineira failed, its leaders were arrested, and of the participants in the insurrections, the one of lowest social position, Tiradentes, was hanged. La Prusse était un territoire d'Europe du nord qui ne faisait pas partie Saint-Empire romain germanique. The Sultan Bahadur Shah of Gujarat was forced to sign the Treaty of Bassein with the Portuguese, establishing an alliance to regain the country, giving in exchange Daman, Diu, Mumbai and Bassein. En 1641, les Néerlandais de la VOC prennent Malacca et lancent une série d'attaques sur Macao. The captaincies created there functioned under a centralized administration in Salvador, which reported directly to the Crown in Lisbon. En Afrique de l'Est, l'Estado da India, qui a reculé au Nord de la côte swahilie, sécurise définitivement ses positions du Mozambique. In light of its international importance, Portugal and Brazil are leading a movement to include Portuguese as one of the official languages of the United Nations. Établi à Lagos en Algarve, Henri organise et finance l'exploration systématique de l'Atlantique proche et des côtes africaines. The Portuguese Colonial War in Africa lasted from 1961 until the final overthrow of the Estado Novo regime in 1974. The 18th century was marked by increasing centralization of royal power throughout the Portuguese empire. [62][63], The Portuguese empire pushed further south and proceeded to discover Timor in 1512. [citation needed] Around 1521, João Álvares Fagundes was granted donatary rights to the inner islands of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and also created a settlement on Cape Breton Island to serve as a base for cod fishing. 1415-1999. The handover on December 20, 1999 officially marked the end of the Portuguese Empire and end of colonialism in Asia. [27], In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of Africa, proving false the view that had existed since Ptolemy that the Indian Ocean was land-locked. Lisbonne, Éditions SPN [1942] (OCoLC)578182536: Document Type: To that end, in 1499 and 1500, João Fernandes Lavrador explored Greenland and the north Atlantic coast of Canada, which accounts for the appearance of "Labrador" on topographical maps of the period. L'ensemble des territoires ayant été controlé à un moment ou un autre par le Portugal, La couronne et l'empire émergent (1460-1481), La fondation du Premier empire portugais (1415-1580), « sa noblesse, son armée, son indépendance et sa position mondiale, Guides Bleus - Portugal. [52] His first objective was to conquer Goa, due to its strategic location as a defensive fort positioned between Kerala and Gujarat, as well as its prominence for Arabian horse imports. Le Japon est atteint en 1543, à Nagasaki[3]. With its smaller population, Portugal found itself unable to effectively defend its overstretched network of trading posts, and the empire began a long and gradual decline. Le 4 août 1578, le jeune roi Sébastien Ier, qui avait gagné le Maroc à la tête d'une armée de 17 000 hommes, disparaît au cours de la bataille des Trois Rois. "Empire" as a description of foreign policy, This page was last edited on 17 December 2020, at 22:28. L' Empire colonial portugais regroupait les territoires d'outre-mer occupés et administrés par le Portugal entre le début du XVe siècle et le XXe siècle. [105], The Portuguese were soundly defeated in their attempt to capture wealthy Somali harbor cities on the Somali coast such as Mogadishu, Merca, Barawa, Kismayo and Hobyo by the powerful Somalis of the Ajuran Empire. [176] Pombal wished to improve the status of the natives by declaring them free and increasing the mestizo population by encouraging intermarriage between them and the white population. [130] Along with the Jesuit missions later came disease among the natives, among them plague and smallpox. Eventually, Brazil became the most valuable colony of the second era of empire (1663–1825), until, as part of the wave of independence movements that swept the Americas during the early 19th century, it broke away in 1822. S'ensuit la Révolution portugaise de 1820, qui est à la fois libérale et conservatrice : libérale, parce qu'elle exige le retour du roi à Lisbonne pour lui imposer une constitution ; conservatrice, parce qu'elle souhaite que le Brésil soit ramené à son ancien statut de colonie, et que les Portugais du Brésil soient privés de leurs droits politiques. Later in the year, U-boats entered Portuguese waters again and once more attacked Madeira, sinking multiple Portuguese ships. Plusieurs anciennes colonies portugaises sont aujourd'hui membre de la Communauté des pays de langue portugaise (CPLP), une organisation intergouvernementale ayant pour but l'amitié et la coopération entre les nations lusophones. Les Portugais étendent leur domination jusqu'aux Moluques, îles riches en épices. While following the same south-westerly route as Gama across the Atlantic Ocean, Cabral made landfall on the Brazilian coast. Son indépendance continua néanmoins à être menacée par le royaume de Castille voisin jusqu'à la bataille d'Aljubarrota, en 1385, et la signature du traité qui s'ensuivit. [181] Several more smaller-scale slave rebellions and revolts would occur from 1801 and 1816 and fears within Brazil were that these events would lead to a "second Haiti". [48], Along with Almeida's initial attempts, Manuel I and his council in Lisbon had tried to distribute power in the Indian Ocean, creating three areas of jurisdiction: Albuquerque was sent to the Red Sea, Diogo Lopes de Sequeira to South-east Asia, seeking an agreement with the Sultan of Malacca, and Jorge de Aguiar followed by Duarte de Lemos were sent to the area between the Cape of Good Hope and Gujarat. Il fut aussi l'un des plus durable et se confronta à une décolonisation laborieuse et souvent tragique ; la présence portugaise hors d'Europe a duré presque six siècles. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. empire colonial portugais Au début du 15 e siècle, le Portugal fut le premier pays européen depuis l’Antiquité à se lancer dans l’aventure des explorations. À Ceylan, les Portugais, qui ont conquis presque toute l'île, se heurtent à la résistance du royaume de Kandy. In 1515, Afonso de Albuquerque conquered the Huwala state of Hormuz at the head of the Persian Gulf, establishing it as a vassal state. Jorge de Meneses discovered New Guinea in 1526, naming it the "Island of the Papua". [125] Deeming the capitanias system ineffective, João III decided to centralize the government of the colony in order to "give help and assistance" to grantees. La métropole accentue sa confortable dépendance envers les colonies, l'acquisition facile de richesses pervertit les mentalités. [201] This was resisted by António de Oliveira Salazar, who had taken power in 1933. Shortly afterward, Humayun turned his attention elsewhere, and the Gujarats allied with the Ottomans to regain control of Diu and lay siege to the fort. Early in the war, Portugal was involved mainly in supplying the Allies positioned in France. [28], As the Portuguese explored the coastlines of Africa, they left behind a series of padrões, stone crosses engraved with the Portuguese coat of arms marking their claims,[29] and built forts and trading posts. [116] Sousa returned to Lisbon a year later to become governor of India and never returned to Brazil. In 1640 John IV was proclaimed King of Portugal and the Portuguese Restoration War began. The Jesuits, who protected the natives against slavery, were brutally suppressed by the Marquis of Pombal, which led to the dissolution of the order in the region by 1759.
Météo Côme - Italie, Maison à Vendre Pessac Le Bon Coin, Center Parc France, Pâtisserie La Rose Des Sables Rimouski, Blam's Laissé Tomber, Convention Collective Expert Comptable Maladie,