aischines gegen timarchos
Except that they involved election by lottery and little or no power. 18) ist die Quellenlage außerordentlich gut. Aeschines Rede gegen Timarchos : Griechisch und Deutsch: Aeschinis socratici Dialogi tres graece et latine : ad quos accessit quarti latinum fragmentum: Against Timarchos: Aischinou ho kata KtÄsiphÅntos kai DÄmosthenous ho peri stephanou logos. 1), mehr noch durch die erhaltenen Reden und Gegenreden für den Gesandtschaftsprozeß (Aeschin. Note that in ancient Athenian court trials, procedure consisted mostly of speeches delivered by plaintiff, defendant, and, at times, their supporters. 2, Oberlieferung 343ff - Textgestaltung 345ff - Autor-schaft 350ff Aristoteles, Poetik, Begriff der gid-tot; und KaOapotc 279ff Asinius Pollio, Adressat von Verg. 19) und den Kranzprozeß (Aeschin. focus disapproval on the. Vlber die von ⦠Drei Reden sind erhalten: Gegen Timarchos, Über die Truggesandtschaft, Gegen Ktesiphon.12 Briefe sind unecht. Why or why not? Aeschines alleges that One could, in other words, suffer a penalty if (a) one spoke at meetings of the assembly (the main political body), and (b) had ever done one or more of the following: Returing to the dokimasia, if found "guilty," i.e., if found to have addressed the assembly despite the above-listed disqualifications, the defendant would have suffered loss of citizen rights (atimia, "disfranchisement"), as in fact happened to Timarchus. the defendant, Timarchus, has in the past engaged in a practice, self-prostitution, Did they Diese Rede enthält sehr interessante Informationen über die Halbwelt des alten Athen. Timo Dersch works as journalist, editor, and underwater photographer. Edidit Fridericus Blass. 29 Im Folgenden soll somit detailliert überprüft werden, ob, und wenn ja wie zum einen der Vorwurf der Prostitution in dieser Quelle mit ⦠Alexandre Mitchell untersucht die möglichen Hintergründe von grotesken, vormals von Ärzten als Fehlbildung fehlgedeuteten figürlichen Darstellungen aus der Zeit des Hellenismus (S. 182â196). Whatever those connections/relationships, they may offer a window into classical Athenian sexual ideology. New York: Routledge, 1990. What about the speaker? See OLD s.v. The dokimasia rhetoron, in Greek, "scrutiny of public speakers," was a legal process (a jury trial) in classical-democratic Athens, whereby a citizen's fitness to address the assembly could be challenged. 45-70., "functional Aeschines, a member of the pro-Macedonian faction at Athens, faced prosecution by a team of anti-Macedonians including the statesman and orator Demosthenes. A Clarendon Press Publication. or. Print. To hire out one's citizen son or legal ward for sex, or pay such a boy for sex. 3 und Dem. Gegen die Datierung auf das Jahr Alpha des Attalos II. or. Aeschines. (unter der Herrschaft des Attalos III. Sohn des Atrometos, Nach einer Tätigkeit als Redenschreiber und Schauspieler berühmter Redner und seit 346 Gegner des Demosthenes. Against Timarchus (Greek: ÎαÏá½° ΤιμάÏÏÎ¿Ï ) was a speech by Aeschines accusing Timarchus of being unfit to involve himself in public life. Die von Aischines gegen Timarchos gehaltene Gerichtsrede 28 zeigt detailliert, wie schmal und zum Teil ebenfalls willkürlich die Grenzen zwischen Päderastie und Prostitution waren. ... was fehlt.27 So gesehen zielen die Bemerkungen des Aristoteles darauf, die Frage nach der .... Aischines berichtet, dass Timarchos ⦠Es steht ja nicht so, daß Homosexualität in allen Formen in Griechenland straffrei gewesen wäre; da kann man sich bei Aischines im Falle Athens eines ⦠Dass offenbar regelmäßige Überprüfungen der Anspruchsberechtigung durchgeführt wurden, erfahren wir aus einer Gerichtsrede (Aischines, Gegen Timarchos 104), wo berichtet wird, dass ein erblindeter alter Mann namens Arignotos seine Invalidenrente verlor, weil er bei einer solchen Überprüfung gefehlt hatte. Senate. 157). The prosecution of Timarchus therefore stands as a preemptive attack against opponents. What is Timarchus' "sexuality" alleged to be — if we can Note that in your text, laws, depositions, and similar, indicated by squre brackets, are later additions; they were not part of Aeschines' published text of the speech. The (rather large) jury would then vote. Our principal source for this procedure and the underlying ideologies is Aeschines' Against Timarchus. Er behauptete, Timarchos sei infolge von in der Jugend begangener Prostitution nicht prozeBfahig, mithin eine von ihm miteingebrachte Klage unwirksam. Aeschines: Against Timarchos Introduction, translation, and commentary by Nick Fisher. B. As for prostitition itself, while it was OK in classical Athens for non-citizens or slaves to be so employed, it was not OK for a citizen male: While the case has to do with conduct specifically dealt with by the dokimasia, there is related legislation mentioned in Aeschines' text to sketch out the moral-legal framework, for instance, laws to protect boys from predatory teachers, laws to protect freeborn boys from being prostituted, against "outrageous acts" against boys, and other measures (not the dokimasia) having to do with political disqualifications entailed by one's having been a prostitute. or. As a result, Timarchus suffered, The connection, if any (but the speech seems to suggest there must have been one) between classical Athenian, The relationship (if any!) Better known as the "Areopagus Council," a highly repsected body consisting of former holders of high office. "Laying Down the Law: The Oversight of Men's Sexual Behavior in Classical Athens." b to act as though bound "Decrees" (psēphismata) at this time (345 BCE) were assembly resolutions often of limited scope or for a specific issue. What sort of evidence does this speech provide for ideologies of gender and/or sexuality in classical Athens? Winkler, John J. Against Timarchus (Greek: Κατὰ Τιμάρχου) was a speech by Aeschines accusing Timarchus of being unfit to involve himself in public life. Das heißt, dass er vor allem den passiven Teil in Beziehungen spielte. Aeschines' successful prosecution against Timarchos of 346/5 BC is our best evidence for Athenian laws and moral attitudes concerning homosexuality, and for Athenians' moral expectations of their politicians. servio 3 : To put one's self at the service of, labour for (countries, individuals, etc.) Scholarly work on this speech and related matters includes: Dover, K. J. Greek Homosexuality. or. ; zu Kritias s. Németh 2006, 25â39. Timbo vom Kirschental, was a herding dog, certified Therapy Dog. By way of revenge, Aeschines endeavoured ⦠Cambridge, Mass., 1989. [5] Indeed, Hubbard observes that he does not even manage to produce a single witness who will testify that Timarchus had any sexual relationship with the men in question at all,[6] though in his speeches Aeschines says that Timarchus' affairs were well known to the jury. Get this from a library! To pimp (or "pander") for a free (i.e., non-slave) boy or woman. Would you agree/disagree with the notion that there is a connection between sexual, financial, and political patterns of behavior, as Aeschines (author of the speech) would seem to want us to think? Für den speziellen Fall der Homosexualität bin ich dem einmal nachgegangen und habe bei Aischines (Gegen Timarchos) über weibliche Homosexualität gefunden: nichts. Page 37 - Unkeuschheit zu, wohl aber gegen den, der ihn verdungen hat und den, 4» der sich ihn gedungen hat, gegen den einen, weil er ihn verdungen, und gegen den andern, weil er, so sagt er, sich ihn gedungen hat. between each of the disqualifications described in the. 1997, 563 und ⦠Biografi. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation New York and London: Routledge, 1990. 3 und Dem. Die Hauptquelle für die Steuer ist eine Gerichtsrede des Aischines gegen Timarchos, in der Aischines das Gericht davon zu überzeugen versucht, dass Timarchos ⦠Because a law-court speech, one intended to persuade a jury representing a cross-section of Athenians, Aeschines' Against Timarchus is generally regarded as evidence for classical Athenian attitudes to matters it treats. Relevante Textzeugen sind Lysias 24; Aeschines , Gegen Timarchos (1,103â4), [Aristoteles], Ath. Halperin, David M. "The Democratic Body: Prostitution and Citizenship in Classical Athens." Aischines konnte diesen ProzeB aber furs erste durch eine gegen Timarchos erhobene Gegenklage St LpCap g, wegen Prosti-tution, verhindern. What is problematic about conduct or patterns associated with 2 ed. 19) und den Kranzprozeß (Aeschin. [8],, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 April 2020, at 17:53. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. is not of great interest to us except insofar as the speech is Dass offenbar regelmäßige Überprüfungen der Anspruchsberechtigung durchgeführt wurden, erfahren wir aus einer Gerichtsrede (Aischines, Gegen Timarchos 104), wo berichtet wird, dass ein erblindeter alter Mann namens Arignotos seine Invalidenrente verlor, weil er bei einer solchen Überprüfung gefehlt hatte. Aischines gelang es in einer Gegenklage mit der Rede Gegen Timarchos (1), die Richter davon zu überzeugen, dass sich dieser in seiner Jugend prostituiert hatte. Athen, Wiederherstellung der Demokratie ⦠The case was brought about in 346/5, in response to Timarchus, along with Demosthenes, bringing a suit against Aeschines, accusing him of misconduct as an ambassador to Philip II of Macedon. very important concepts, also discussed on the terms Thus the Against Timarchus is a rich source for the connections between political and sexual (#4, above) ideology. Senate of the Areopagus. 1), mehr noch durch die erhaltenen Reden und Gegenreden für den Gesandtschaftsprozeß (Aeschin. A Greek nobleman, possibly from Miletus in Asia Minor, Timarchus was a friend of the Seleucid prince Antiochus IV Epiphanes during his time as a hostage to the Roman Republic. Perseus under Philologic. The text of a statute can be presented to contrast the illegality of a proposed decree just as Aeschines did in 3 (Against Ktesiphon) 32-35, to ⦠Why or why not? Für die Verfahren gegen Timarchos (Aeschin. The nine archonships, officially, the surpreme offices of the state. clearly intended as a tactical move: an attempt by Aeschines to discredit political enemies, not just Timarchus, but Demosthenes, too. Es steht ja nicht so, daß Homosexualität in allen Formen in Griechenland straffrei gewesen wäre; da kann man sich bei Aischines im Falle Athens eines Besseren belehren lassen. Majority vote decided the verdict. Aischines föddes i Aten omkring år 390 f.Kr. 4 : to act in subservience. Timarchus? Pornikon telos (griechisch ΠοÏνικὸν ÏÎλοÏ) war im antiken Athen eine Steuer, die von Prostituierten beiderlei Geschlechts für ihre Dienstleistung geleistet werden musste.. Aischines, Rede gegen Timarchos, Datierung 383ff Alexandria, Grundungslegende 291ff. As regards the sexual side, what the dokimasia addressed was not being or having been a prostitute; it was being a prostitute or former prostitute yet still exercising full male-citizen rights. Judging by this speech, did classical Athenians regard it as perfectly They were not paid, however. Auch Aischines verleiht dem Ausdruck, wenn er die Lasterhaftigkeit des Timarchos als eine Folgekette schildert, die "zuerst von den eigenen körperlichen Gaben, dann denen der Vorfahren und schließlich von der Stadt selbst zehrten" (294). â Als weiteres Beispiel sei verwiesen auf ein Fragment aus Hypereidesâ Rede Gegen Autokles aus der Zeit um 360 (Hyp. Print. Buy Access; Help; About; Contact Us; Cookies; Encyclopedias | Text editions Aeschines with an English translation by Charles Darwin Adams, Ph.D. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1919. This is the first commentary in any language on Aeschines' Against Timarchos, the prosecution speech in the politically crucial trial of 346/5BC.The case was that Timarchos was forbidden to hold public office and disenfranchised because he had engaged in improper homosexual relationships in the past and had wasted his inheritance on debauchery. Contrast the modern court trial: motions, presentation of evidence, examination of witnesses, minimal speechifying. frg. Against Timarchus. Clarendon Ancient History Series. wurde nie ein pisidischer Krieg geführt, Hopp (1977), S. 70â74), das Kersley in der Ehrung für Sotas und dem dazugehörigen Königsbrief in Olbasa entziffert hat, haben jedoch unabhängig voneinander Gauthier Bull. Aeschines alleges that the defendant, Timarchus, has in the past engaged in a practice, self-prostitution, disqualifying him from speaking in the assembly. The speech has spawned considerable bibliography and remains a conerstone of the study of (male) sexuality in classical Greece. "Laws" (nomoi) were passed by a special board of "legislators" (nomothetai) and meant to demarcate areas of just and unjust conduct, and with "permanent and general application" (online Brill's New Pauly s.v. even think or speak in terms of sexuality in relation to this speech? Elective offices. Die Hauptquelle für die Steuer ist eine Gerichtsrede des Aischines gegen Timarchos, in der Aischines das Gericht davon zu überzeugen versucht, dass Timarchos sich in seiner Jugend prostituierte. Aeschines' powerful speeches include Against Timarchus, On the False Embassy, and Against Ctesiphon. Aeschines lost that case and left public life. So this forms part of a jury trial, with prosecutor (Aeschines) and defendent (Timarchus â but it seems that Demosthenes spoke in Timarchus' behalf⦠The procedure is an "examination as to fitness to participate Die erste Rede des Aischines ist ein besonders wichtiges Dokument zur gleichgeschlechtlichen Liebe unter Männern. Does this speech tend to confirm or challenge Foucault's / Halperin's 7 October (2013). The political background Welturaufführung am Deutschen Theater Berlin ⦠Aeschines. subordinate one's actions (to any interest, demand etc.). Interpretationem recudit et notas partim variorum partim suas adjecit ⦠72 H.Wankel Dativ, von dem noch ein Dativ der Beziehung abh?ngt) in dem oben wieder empfohlenen Textvorschlag Frankes eine erw?nschte Parallele. That's the translators way of rendering what we usually call the "Council of 500" (boulē), a democratic body (membership representative but election was by lottery — basically, random). Für die Verfahren gegen Timarchos (Aeschin. Timarchos wird vorgeworfen, sich in jungen Jahren prostituiert zu haben. page: Note the general structure of the speech: exploration of the legal-moral dimension; a detailed and lurid account of Timarchus' supposedly infamous behavior; thorough exploration of the political and pederastic implications of it all, including a look at poetry and mythology; some pertinent autobiography from the speaker; arguments and counter arguments. Purchase a copy of this text (not necessarily the same edition) from Oxford 2001 : 45. zitiert habe, "etwa wie Aischines solche gegen Timarchos citiert", d.h. die oben zu auTy Ty Tip?pxy ? Aeschines praises the lawgiver who did not allow the crowning of a magistrate unless he has submitted an account of his activity and of the financial dealings involved. 2, Dem. 88-112. or. In addition to the procedure of dokimsia rhetoron, this speech involves other, Aeschines won acquittal, though just barely. Aeschines' successful prosecution against Timarchos of 346/5 BC is our best evidence for Athenian laws and moral attitudes concerning homosexuality, and for Athenians' moral expectations of their politicians. or. Aeschines Rede gegen Ktesiphon by Aeschines ( Book ) 1 edition published in 1878 in Greek, Ancient and held by ⦠⦠Anthologia Latina Sh. DicÈionar dexonline. ^ angef?hrten (? An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. He had an outstanding temperament, and absolutely loved everyone. In 339 BC, as one of the Athenian deputies (pylagorae) in the Amphictyonic Council, he made a speech which brought about the Fourth Sacred War. [3], Modern scholars have criticised the lack of evidence that Aeschines put forward in Against Timarchus,[4] for instance by pointing out that he has no evidence that any of Timarchus' lovers ever paid him. Non-elective offices. Or is it a cultural construction? 63ff. / others' ideas on sexuality. This is the first commentary in any language on Aeschines' Against Timarchos, the prosecution speech in the politically crucial trial of 346/5BC.The case was that Timarchos was forbidden to hold public office and disenfranchised because he had engaged in improper homosexual relationships in the past and had â¦
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