sahara occidental conflit

Vous avez publié votre avis en omettant l'original. The Baker Plan (formally, Peace Plan for Self-Determination of the People of Western Sahara) was a United Nations initiative led by James Baker to grant self-determination to Western Sahara, and was formulated in the year 2000. The Moroccan government has not yet commented on these claims.[27][28][29]. Placée devant ce fait accompli auquel il lui est difficile de répondre – comment prendre le risque de tirer sur une foule désarmée ? Il ne faut pas négliger, enfin, les susceptibilités nationalistes. After the events of the Zemla Intifada in 1970, when Spanish police forcibly disbanded the organization and "disappeared" its founder, Muhammad Bassiri, Sahrawi nationalism again swung towards militarism. [61], On December 10, 2020, President Donald Trump announced that the United States would officially recognize Morocco's claims over Western Sahara, in exchange for Morocco agreeing to normalize relations with Israel.[62][63]. [64] In 1997, the Houston Agreement attempted to revive the proposal for a referendum, but likewise has not met with had success. Despite multiple peace initiatives through the 1990s and early 2000s, the conflict reemerged as the "Independence Intifada" in 2005; a series of disturbances, demonstrations and riots, which broke out in May 2005 in the Moroccan-held portions of Western Sahara, and lasted until November of that same year. Les faits À la demande de l’Allemagne, le conseil de sécurité de l’ONU doit se … Le conflit du Sahara occidental est l’un des plus anciens et l’un des plus négligés du monde. [54] Although the Polisario Front was not involved in the negotiations, the SFPA explicitly allows for European Vessels to fish in the disputed coast of the Western Sahara territory. En 1979, le Polisario gagne une manche en réussissant, après une guerre d’embuscade et un changement de régime à Nouakchott, à sortir la Mauritanie du jeu. Erik Jensen, who played an administrative role in MINURSO, wrote that neither side would agree to a voter registration in which they believed they were destined to lose. After another inconclusive round of talks, the parties finally, on 8–9 January 2008, agreed on "the need to move into a more intensive and substantive phase of negotiations". Cette triste affaire n'existe qu'a cause du conflit larvé entre l'Algérie et le Maroc... L’Algérie a fait savoir qu’elle ne voyait dans ces déclarations que des gesticulations médiatiques. [45], Morocco has argued that the Polisario Front receives support from Hezbollah, Iran, and al-Qaida. As a result of this ambivalence, the movement eventually relocated to Spanish-controlled Western Sahara to start an armed rebellion. [20], The Polisario Front was formally constituted on 10 May 1973 in the Mauritanian city of Zouirate,[21] with the express intention of militarily forcing an end to Spanish colonization. [31] The United Nations has only ever officially considered Morocco and the Polisario Front parties to the conflict, however acknowledges that other interests may also be involved. [32] In an interview with the Public Broadcasting Service, in August 2004, James Baker, former personal envoy of the United Nations Secretary to Western Sahara, identified Morocco and Algeria as being both the "two chief protagonists" of the conflict. Le titre de l'article est Comprendre le conflit au Sahara occidental, alors cher monsieur vous n'avez rien compris. En 1830 la France s'incruste en Algérie (ex empire ottoman ). [57] This move galvanized Morocco who then passed a law in January 2020 extending its recognized borders across Western Saharan waters. In 1884, Spain claimed a protectorate over the coast from Cape Bojador to Cap Blanc. « Le processus politique a montré ses limites » « Quand il y a une impasse diplomatique, et c’est le cas pour le conflit au Sahara occidental, il faut que la situation sur le terrain crée une nouvelle dynamique.C’est l’objectif des Sahraouis », analyse un ancien diplomate pour TSA, sous couvert de l’anonymat. chapitre 10. chapitre 11. chapitre 12. novembre 13, 2020. However, unrest lingered among the region's population, and in 1967 the Harakat Tahrir arose to challenge Spanish rule peacefully. [96], Moroccan initiative and Manhasset negotiations, Report of the Secretary General on the status of the negotiations on Western Sahara, 29 June 2007, limited recognition by a number of other states, United Nations visiting mission to Spanish Sahara, Algeria–Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic relations, The main novelty is that Algeria has been invited to these round tables, The Conditions of Detentions of the Moroccan POWs Detained in Tindouf (Algeria), United Nations Security Council Resolution 1754, Moroccan Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, "Gulf Arabs back Morocco in Western Sahara rift with U.N.",, "Marruecos incrementa su presencia en Mauritania", Asistencia en favor de las víctimas saharauis. Du coup, cette question n’est plus un « problème régional ». No replacement plan exists, however, and worries persist that the political vacuum will result in renewed fighting. Rédaction d’Algérie 360. Profitons de ce moment pour rappeler dans ses très grandes lignes les enjeux de cette trop vieille histoire. [91] Spanish news agency Europa Press later criticized Moroccan authorities for expelling international observers from the public trail.[92]. Western Sahara, a region on the Atlantic coast in north-west Africa, is situated in the extreme south of Morocco and covers an area of 266,000km 2, most of it desert. Se trata de un territorio estratégico y rico en recursos naturales que, durante casi un siglo, fue parte de España y que, actualmente, se encuentra bajo dominio mayoritario de Marruecos, país vecino. [77], In addition, the Polisario Front has a full autonomous control of the Sahrawi refugee camps. Footage from the clashes shows security forces using rocks, tear gas and live ammunition to disperse protestors. Sahara occidental : 45 ans de conflits et de négociations "au point mort" Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | As rejected voter candidates began a mass-appeals procedure, the Moroccan government insisted that each application be scrutinized individually. Despite an initial outburst of support, the 2011 protests largely subsided on their own by May 2011. [55] While the text of the agreement claimed that the fisheries will have no impact on the ongoing conflict, the agreement was denounced by various Saharawi groups. Le Sahara, un espace de conflits 1.Le Sahara occidental L’ouest du Sahara se caractérise par un conflit frontalier persistant dont l’enjeu est le Sahara occidental, ancienne colonie espagnole, que se sont partagés le Maroc et la Mauritanie en 1975. Philippe Randrianarimanana. The Moroccans have been more successful regarding the Western Sahara. Human Rights Watch called on the Moroccan government to amend the article to ensure it did not apply to journalists. [citation needed]. [42] In March 2003 Khaled Nezzar, an Algerian retired general, referred to the conflict as being an issue only between Morocco and Algeria. The refugee camps were set up in the Tindouf Province, Algeria in 1975–76 for the benefit of Sahrawi refugees fleeing from Moroccan forces during the Western Sahara War. le Sahara occidental des nomades Sahraouis : ... Histoire des juifs - Résumé depuis 750 av. In 2019 Amnesty International called for an investigation into a violent crackdown on protestors that took place on July 19, in the city of Laayoune. [38][39] This remains a source of much tension between the two countries. Afin de nous permettre de conserver notre pérennité économique, Carte du Sahara Occidental (Google Map / Wikimedia Commons), 200 maires souhaitent se faire vacciner pour donner l’exemple, Jean-Pierre Jouyet : « L’Europe a fait des progrès considérables depuis le départ du Royaume-Uni », A Wuhan, les contaminations seraient 10 fois supérieures au bilan officiel, Francis Sak et Thomas Delmas, associés-fondateurs, …, Une société indépendante créée en 2015, spécialisée …, Bitcoin PoS takes everything you know and love about …, Rolléco Valisette d'intervention ALU Charge maxi : 13Kg -, L'Obs - Les marques ou contenus du site sont soumis à la protection de la propriété intellectuelle. De l’autre, les 20% contrôlés par le Polisario. The war resulted in somewhere between 14,000 and 21,000 casualties between both sides. The conflict erupted after the withdrawal of Spain from the Spanish Sahara in accordance with the Madrid Accords, by which it agreed to give administrative control of the territory to Morocco and Mauritania. Though sporadic demonstrations continue, the movement had largely subsided by May 2011. At the time, most of the Western Sahara territory remained under Moroccan control, while the Polisario controlled some 20% of the territory in its capacity as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, with additional pockets of control in the Sahrawi refugee camps along the Algerian border. Le Maroc, au nom de vieilles allégeances que les chefs des tribus nomades du désert faisaient à leurs sultans, estime que ce territoire doit lui revenir. [18] In 1977, France intervened as the conflict reached its peak intensity. [19] The city was promptly rebuilt[citation needed], and Sahrawi resistance continued for the following twenty years. A lire aussi. Although the United Nations officially considers Morocco and the Polisario Front as the main parties to the conflict, former UN Secretary-General Mr. Kofi Annan viewed Algeria as a stakeholder in the Western Sahara conflict and has invited Algeria, "to engage as a party in these discussions and to negotiate, under the auspices of my Kofi Annan's Personal Envoy". [46][47] There is no third-party substantiation of these claims. [citation needed]. Le Maroc dégaine le plus vite. [45] Morocco's expansionist ambitions caused strains, including a temporary rupture of relations with Tunisia. ", a Brussels-based commercial firm in the domain of counselling, "The Conditions of Detentions of the Moroccan POWs Detained in Tindouf (Algeria)", "Telquel – Maroc/Algérie.Bluff et petites manœuvres", "Khadija Mohsen-Finan Le règlement du conflit du Sahara occidental à l'épreuve de la nouvelle donne régionale", "France Libertés – The Conditions of Detentions of the Moroccan POWs Detained in Tindouf (Algeria). Its first Secretary General was El-Ouali Mustapha Sayed. En novembre, le roi Mohammed VI a aussi affirmé être prêt à bouger. [91] In 2019 they accused the government of using Article 381 of Morocco's penal code to restrict freedom of the press. The statement reiterated the Polisario Front's request that the UN organize a free referendum within Western Sahara on their self-governing status. The country received a low score of 42.88 out of 100 citing the continued "judicial harassment" of the media. "[20], The Western Sahara Berm, also known as the Moroccan Wall, is an approximately 2,700 km-long defensive structure consisting primarily of sand running through Western Sahara and the southeastern portion of Morocco. Il y a, bien sûr, des intérêts économiques : le Sahara occidental, c’est beaucoup de sable, mais aussi des gisements importants de phosphate et un littoral qui passe pour être le plus poissonneux du monde. United Nations Visiting Mission to Spanish Sahara, 1975, General Assembly, 30th Session, Supplement 23, UN DocumentA/10023/Rev. En février 1976, il proclame la République arabe sahraouie démocratique (RASD), un Etat non reconnu internationalement, qui réclame la souveraineté du territoire. Citing the Spanish approach to regional autonomy, the Moroccan government plans to model any future agreement after the cases of the Canary Islands, Basque Country, Andalusia or Catalonia. Derrière le soutien de l’Algérie au Polisario, il y a aussi la possibilité, dans la perspective d’un Etat indépendant mais vassal, d’avoir accès à la façade atlantique. Le Conseil se félicite du fait que la situation au Sahara occidental est restée relativement calme, tandis que le cessez-le-feu tient toujours et que les parties respectent le mandat de la MINURSO. Deux ans plus tard, le Maroc quitte l'institution l'institution en signe de protestation. As a result of the passage of this resolution, the parties involved met in Manhasset, New York to once again try and settle the dispute. As of 2010[update], negotiations over the terms of any potential referendum have not resulted in any substantive action. Le conflit du Sahara occidental « est une question de décolonisation qui ne peut être résolue qu'à travers l'application du droit international et de l’Union africaine » en la matière. The conflict originated from an insurgency by the Polisario Front against Spanish colonial forces from 1973 to 1975 and the subsequent Western Sahara War against Morocco between 1975 and 1991. Le conflit enlisé depuis plus de cinquante ans au Sahara occidental a resurgi au premier plan. In 1956, the Ifni War, initiated by the Moroccan Army of Liberation, marked renewed conflict in the region; after two years of war, the Spanish forces regained control, again with French aid. Sahara occidental : un conflit post-colonial qui n'a que trop duré. Aujourd'hui, sa rubrique "Comprendre..." s'intéresse au conflit au Sahara occidental, à l'occasion d'une rencontre à Genève entre ses principaux protagonistes, les 5 et 6 décembre 2018. [65] By 2001, the process had reached a stalemate, and the UN Secretary-General asked the parties for the first time to explore other solutions. Plus de trente ans après son déclenchement, qui se traduira par une guerre, des déplacements de population et le cessez-le-feu de 1991 qui a figé les positions militaires, l’issue de ce conflit paraît toujours aussi lointaine. 03 déc 2020. La guerre a déjà commencé. According to maps from MINURSO[81] or the UNHCR,[82] part of the wall extends several kilometers into internationally recognized Mauritanian territory. Following the annexation of Western Sahara by Morocco and Mauritania in 1976, and the Polisario Front's declaration of independence, the UN addressed the conflict via a resolution reaffirming the right to self-determination of the Sahrawi people. Polisario calls the territories under its control the Liberated Territories or the Free Zone, while Morocco controls and administers the rest of the disputed territory and calls these lands its Southern Provinces. Au début du XXe siècle, la France et l’Espagne se partagent le Maroc, vieux sultanat, alors chancelant. [43] ACTUALITES - NEWS - NOTICIAS. Pour sortir d’un vote pour lui assez risqué, le Maroc, depuis une dizaine d’années, tente aussi de promouvoir une solution d’autonomie pour le territoire – tout en le gardant sous sa souveraineté. After the passing of the agreement a petition signed by leading Saharawi activist organizations in the region was penned to the E.U condemning the decision,[56] and the Polisario Front announced it will challenge the vote in the European Court of Justice stating it was in clear violation of international law. C est surement la faute aux colonisateurs ///. With most refugees still living in the camps, the refugee situation is among the most protracted worldwide. According to Human Rights Watch, the Moroccan security forces moved to dismantle the Gdeim Izik tent camp. The Sahara Press Service later said that Polisario fighters had attacked Moroccan positions along different parts of the frontline, which stretches hundreds of miles across the desert. Les 450 000 Sahraouis se sont éparpillés Quelque 350.000 Marocains sans armes, dont des femmes, des enfants et des vieillards, forcent la frontière et pénètrent dans le territoire convoité. Cela fait donc plus d’un quart de siècle que chaque partie accuse l’autre de bloquer le processus et que rien n’avance. L'Algérie et la Mauritanie est une création franco-francaise. [74] Currently the position of United Nations envoy to Western Sahara is empty and the Security Counsel is actively seeking a replacement. Le tiers sud du territoire ira à la Mauritanie, les deux tiers nord au Maroc. Synthèse. La guerre est aussi intense sur le front diplomatique, à l’ONU, avec l’Europe, ou dans les instances africaines. Marruecos viola el alto el fuego y el Ejército Popular de Liberación Saharaui responde a esta nueva violación, SPS 13.11.20. SADR was proclaimed by the Polisario Front on 27 February 1976, in Bir Lehlu, Western Sahara. –, l'Espagne cède aux demandes de Rabat et de son allié de Nouakchott. While protests were initially peaceful, they were later marked by clashes between civilians and security forces. La France fait de la majeure partie du pays son "protectorat". The conflict escalated after the withdrawal of Spain from the Spanish Sahara in accordance with the Madrid Accords. Le conflit du Sahara occidental au menu de l’ONU À la demande de l’Allemagne, le conseil de sécurité de l’ONU doit se réunir ce lundi 21 décembre à huis clos sur... lire la suite In late 2010, the protests re-erupted in the Gdeim Izik refugee camp in Western Sahara. Tous les Sahraouis, les habitants du pays, ne sont pas d’accord avec cette vision des choses. La Mauritanie en revendique la petite partie méridionale. Vous avez choisi de ne pas accepter le dépôt de cookies, notamment les cookies de publicité personnalisée. [40][41] Stressing the role played by Algerian officers in allegedly interrogating and torturing the Moroccan POWs, France Libertés states in its report on The Conditions of Detentions of the Moroccan POWs Detained in Tindouf (Algeria) that "the involvement of Algeria in the conflict is well known".

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