south middle school lancaster sc staff directoryhow to bypass motorcycle fuel pump relay
Adult Education 610 E. Meeting Street,Lancaster, SC 29720 | Consequences for failing to adhere to the student behavior listed above will result in disciplinary action. Keyword First Name Last Name. School Report Cards; Staff Directory; Welcome New Families; Academics. Hoodies must be in the appropriate school color and must be a solid color. Student/Parent Resources. After a couple of days of taking care of the school and cleaning the bathrooms, I was the one fussing at fellow students when they threw paper on the floor, broke out bathroom light fixtures, or graffittied the walls. Parents wishing to get assignments for an absent student should call the school office during the morning. Home of the Yellow Jackets. South Creek Middle School; Southwest Middle School; SunRidge Middle School; Timber Springs Middle School; . Chester Middle School; Chester Park COLT; Chester Park School of Inquiry; . I would have to say that I agree with the parent who posted about the kids cleaning the school. Indian Land Middle School - Staff Directory Mark Rhoden 7th Grade Assistant Principal . Helpful Links Site Map Accessibility Information Employment Contact Us. 845.563.8400. Southern Middle About Us Staff Directory. Subscribe to RSS Feed - Latest News. The school district then decides whether to approve the student for medical homebound services. Principal Sheri Watson Secretary Shawna Holden 273-3176/286-8621/Fax273-3717 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card Title 1 Info, Indian Land Elementary 4137 Dobys Bridge Road,Indian Land, SC 29707 Principal Chris Timmons Secretary Mandy Eudy 475-6021/283-1970/Fax475-8256 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card, Buford Middle 1890 N. Rocky River Road,Lancaster, SC 29720 Media Center & Tech Coach Team. 2. Per Pupil Expenditures: $10,101. No offensive or inappropriate images, advertisements, or sayings should appear on clothing. It seems to me that our leader (Principal) care about budgets and test scores than our kids. University of South Carolina Remarkable Through and Through Best First-Year Experience The nation's best first-year student experience at a public university is just the beginning. Exploratory Team. Jasper County School District 10942 N. Jacob Smart Blvd. Interim Principal Brent Chavous Secretary Alisha Steen 283-8416/Fax283-8417 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card Title 1 Info, Andrew Jackson High 6925 Kershaw-Camden Highway,Kershaw, SC 29067 Interfere with or disturb in any way or in any place the students or teachers of any school. NFA North. Click here for our ADA Policies and Procedures. Mark Rhoden is a Seventh Grade Assistant Principal at Lancaster County School District based in Lancaster, South Carolina. Guidance. Loss of 5 Blocks-Team Time and Lunch Detention, Loss of 7 Blocks-After School Detention/Lunch Detention. Students who ride buses are to wait for the bus in the area assigned to them by the teachers on their team. Remember the sales incentive: $100 most cards sold, $75 second, $50 3rd, and the everyone who sold draw for $25. The following district staff has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination polices: Section 504 inquires: Dr. Kathy Durbin, Director of Student Services. South Middle School is located at 1551 Billings Drive, Lancaster SC 29720. PANTS / SLACKS / SHORTS / CAPRIS / SKIRTS: Pants should be navy, black or khaki in color. South Middle School is a public elementary school located in Lancaster, SC in the Lancaster 01 School District. If belt loops are on the clothing, a belt must be worn. At the Regular Board of Education meeting held last week, a proposed calendar for the next school year was reviewed. It is important that the necessary health care information is shared with the appropriate peoplesuch as teachers on duty during recess, bus drivers, and cafeteria employeesto make sure that the students needs are met throughout the school day. Obviously, my experience and opinion differ from some others. The insurance company and plan used by the schools is selected by the County Board of Trustees. Act in an obnoxious manner on school property. Parents may view their students information by logging into Power School Parent Portal website. Donald Trump is planning to visit Iowa in mid-March, a first foray to the leadoff caucus state since announcing his 2024 White House campaign. 2350 LA Grant Pkwy, Waukee, IA 50263, Phone: 515.987.3222 All levels are graded according to the same grading scale. Jeneane Allgood Biology and Anatomy teacher. Principal Teryn Dalton Secretary Karen Thomas 803-396-3737/283-8484/Fax396-3761 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card , Heath Springs Elementary 158 Solar Road,Heath Springs, SC 29058 BE INFORMED. 12310 E. Parkview Drive Indian Land Middle School 8063 River Road Indian Land SC 29707 Tel - 803-578-2500 Fax: 803-578-2816. Students will not be supervised before 7:30am and after 4:00pm. -Students should be in the gym, eating in the cafeteria, or in the library before school. Sweater-vests must be in the appropriate school colors. I see these students on occasions cleaning the school and they are having fun! Sign in|Report Abuse|Powered By Google Sites, Reginald Partee / Dr Patrice Robinson Guidance, Brent Chavous / Liz James Assistant Principals. Office Staff. I question your claim as an educator only because your post needed to be proofread befor posting. [CDATA[ PTSO. . If the student is eligible, the team develops an individual accommodation plan. Community Education Interim Principal Ashley Bradley Secretary Rhonda Steele 285-8473/Fax283-2023 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card, Indian Land Middle 8063 River Road,Indian Land, SC 29707 Nutrition 150 Lincoln School Rd., Spartanburg, SC 29301 Phone: (864) 576-1270 Fax: . Teacher Resources. There is, however, a difference in the degree of difficulty according to the level of the course. Experience USC UNIVERSITY NEWS & EVENTS USC, Lexington Medical Center break ground on new building to train nurses a la escuela de su hijo/a Yog koj xav tau neeg pab txhais cov lus nov, thov hu xov tooj rau call 715-852-3555. South MS Essentials. Intro to Middle School Athletics and Athletic Forms. Students must be ready for the bus when it arrives. Find Us . Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. Click,,,, Buses cannot leave the route to pick up or discharge any students who live nearer than a mile to the most feasible route. 8th Grade Team. Principal Keishea Mickles Secretary Petrina Boulware 283-9918/Fax286-7769 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card Title 1 Info, Van Wyck Elementary 4945 Charlotte Highway,Lancaster, SC 29720 Principal Michelle Crosby Secretary Arlene Mackey 416-8555/Fax285-1534 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card, Andrew Jackson Middle 6865 Kershaw-Camden Highway,Kershaw, SC 29067 Below is a summary of public and private K-12 schools in South Carolina, the information provided includes details on state finances, overall faculty numbers and student enrollment. 1600 Students will already have their books and other belongings and should go directly to the bus as it is called. 1551 Billings Drive. ga('send', 'pageview'); Faculty and Staff. If a shirt has a logo, it must be less than a quarter in diameter. South Middle 1551 Billings Drive, Lancaster, SC 29720 Interim Principal Brent Chavous Secretary Alisha Steen 283-8416/Fax-283-8417 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card Title 1 Info Our high schools Andrew Jackson High 6925 Kershaw-Camden Highway, Kershaw, SC 29067 It offers 3 high schools, 5 middle schools, 27 elementary schools, and 1 alternative campus. Lancaster, SC 2720 . window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; Conway Ms Faculty & Staff. Rucker Middle 422 Old Dixie Road,Lancaster, SC 29720 The School District of Lancaster is looking for talented, committed professionals to join our team. All South Middle School students and their parents should read this information. South Middle School - Teams Directory Teams Directory Clicking on a photo will open a new window to staff email or open faculty webpages. SOCIAL MEDIA Access Social Media Center. View our Fact Sheet. Lancaster County School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, age, religion, handicapping conditions or national origin in its programs or activities. All after-school activities and events scheduled for today, Wednesday, February 22nd are cancelled due to anticipated inclement weather. I think every student should have to be a janitor for a couple of weeks to appreciate what it takes and realize how easy they have itespecially in middle school. Excessive detentions will result in the need for a parent conference and/or suspension. IHPs are also written for students who have been approved by the school district to self-medicate or self-monitor. A team decides if a student is eligible. e . . The loss of three blocks in one period will result in an office referral. LCSD Home. Enrollment Services Not perfect but I will take it. If you are an educator, you have my deepest respect and gratitude. 601 West Cumberland Street Cowan, TN 37318. The school said earlier this week that seven staff members had recently tested . Loiter about or enter a school, except on business, without permission of the principal or person in charge. Our team is ready to assist you. Schools that create a positive culture help all students thrive. School data provided by National Center for Education Statistics, Home Buyers Reveal: 'What I Wish I Had Known Before Buying My First Home, Selling Your Home? Lancaster County School District FNS Region Southeast Regional Office School Phone (803) 283-8416 Total Enrollment 555 School Website - Grade Level Grade Levels Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 School Type School Type Middle Staff Contact Information Team Nutrition Leader Name Angela McCrorey Team Nutrition Leader Email NWHS 515.987.5181 Football, volleyball, and basketball are open to students who are in the seventh and eighth grades and who will not reach their fifteenth birthday before September 1. Click Here to View Information about the District's Annual United Way Campaign, (845) 563-7000 33-63 Monument Street, Newburgh, NY 12550, 2022-23 School Comprehensive Education Plan, After-School Activities Cancelled | Monday, February 27th, Bring it On! 515.987.2788, District Administration Office Ellen Ames Special Services. All children who will be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2022 and reside in Lancaster City or Lancaster Township are eligible to apply for kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year. South Middle School Lancaster, SC See Homes for Sale Overview Homes & Rentals Test Scores Reviews Around South Middle School 6 - 8 Lancaster 01 School District 1551 Billings Drive,. What a great responsibility that few care to attempt. Any student may be searched without a warrant with reasonable cause. Principal Brittany McManus Secretary Savana Bowers 283-8471/Fax285-8942 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card Title 1 Info, Buford Elementary 1906 N. Rocky River Road, Lancaster, SC 29720 Lancaster County School District. Make a difference! 160 Fairforest Way Greenville, S.C. 29607 864-355-6300 FAX 864-355-6329 Waukee, Iowa 50263 Staff Directory Keyword First Name Last Name Department All Departments AVHS Staff EHS Staff English Guidance LHS Staff Maintenance and Operations Math PE QHHS ROTC Science Student Services 1 2 3 7 > showing 1 - 40 of 273 constituents Students needing to leave before the end of the school day will need to have a parent or guardian come to the school office and sign the student out no later than 2:30. TITLE IX Coordinator, Angela . . All students will be dismissed at their regular dismissal time. Teacher Resources. Students! Site Manager Chucky Rivers Secretary Paulette Jane 285-8430/Fax416-8907 Website Profile Report to Parents State Report Card, Erwin Elementary 1477 Locustwood Avenue,Lancaster, SC 29720 Angie Angeli Social Studies. 1429 SENATE STREET. Yearbooks for the current school year are available for purchase for $20 from TreeRing. Staff Directory; School Counseling" Library" Library; Calendar; . Eau Claire, WI 54701, For assistance in another language/Si Ud. Phone: 515.987.3222 Fax: 515.987.3233 Attendance: 515.987.2785. Email Mitchell Ames. After the sixth unexcused tardy during a semester, the student will be assigned a lunch detention each day they are tardy. Elaine Jenkins Kitchen Manager. Make your start at South Carolina. After the sixth unexcused tardy during a semester, the student will be assigned a lunch detention each day they are tardy. Disclaimer: School attendance zone boundaries are supplied by Pitney Bowes and are . Staff Directory / Complete Staff Listing Lancaster Central School District Academies Athletics Calendar Directory eLearning Food Service Live Streaming Music Parent Portal Staff Portal Student Portal Centers of Learning and Growth Home District Staff Directory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . Get text messages and emergency information. 1. Jewelry should not be a distraction in the classroom. Staff Directory - South Middle School. Title IX Information. Parent and Student Resources. 3050 N Blackstock Rd, Spartanburg, SC 29301 Phone: (864) 576-4886 Fax: (864) 576-0402 Safety Hotline (864) 216-4384 SC Mental Health Crisis Line (833) 364-2274 Social Media - Footer Search WHS 515.987.2782 Easily search the entire district directory for contact information. Transportation Fax: 515.987.2701, Activities Department Another staff member from South Middle School in Lancaster County, South Carolina, has died from COVID-19 complications, the school district confirms. The official school day starts at 8:30 a.m. and dismisses at 3:18 p.m. Students who arrive after 8:30 a.m. must be brought into the office by a parent or guardian and signed in. No student may ride a different bus without permission from the principal or bus supervisor. 560 SE University Ave Intervention Team & Support Staff. The school has the permission of the parent or guardian to use photographs of students for publishing unless the parent contacts the school at the first of the year to state otherwise. The purpose of the Lancaster County School District dress code is to insure that each student is dressed in clothing conducive to promoting a learning environment. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. In a news release, the school. The school district will consider the severity of the students illness or injury, the length of time that the student will be out of school, the impact that a long period away from school will have on the students academic success, and whether the students health needs can be met at school. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. Our teachers, staff, and students are diverse, inclusive, and noble-minded, forming a tight-knit community where students feel safe to be themselves and focus on learning. Yearbooks can be purchased online and delivered to your home address. Chromebooks must be carried in appropriate bag at all times. This was my experience and I have a different view to the situation. be sent to Charleston County School District, 75 Calhoun Street. Address. Indian Land Middle School 8063 River Road, Indian Land, S.C. 29707 Phone: (803) 578 - 2500 Fax: (803) 578 - 2816 Celebrating The Warrior Within News and Announcements 2023-2024 ILMS Encore Classes Please review our 2023-2024 ILMS Encore Video to learn about the array of encore classes available to students this upcoming school year. Contact Student Services Director Kathy Durbin, 803-285-8438, 302 West Dunlap Street, Lancaster SC 29720 to learn more about the IDEA. After School Activities; Bus Routes; Career Paths at JHS/FTC; Clubs and Organizations; Menus; Missouri School Violence Hotline; PowerSchool; School Supply List Schools that create a positive culture help all students will be dismissed at their Regular dismissal Time appropriate bag all. They are tardy located at 1551 Billings Drive, Lancaster SC 29720 disclaimer: School Attendance zone boundaries are by! In appropriate bag at all times written for students who ride buses are wait... Who posted about the IDEA this information: School Attendance zone boundaries are supplied by Pitney Bowes are. A parent conference and/or suspension befor posting be searched without a warrant with reasonable cause the IDEA information logging! I have a different view to the bus when it arrives office referral and after 4:00pm Land SC Tel. 7:30Am and after 4:00pm used by the School, advertisements, or in the degree of difficulty according the... Be in the Library before School 10942 N. 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