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side of him. As been extinguished forever. * Maries eyes were brimming with unshed tears and she visage on Bens face that had been apparent to her earlier in the day. realized that, given his prior animosity towards his stepmother, he had Meanwhile upstairs, the lady of the house lay staring into A few minutes later, two bundles of warm clothing came Hop Sing get clothes and books, then all go Ponderlosa light fireplace further softened the shadows in the room and the young couples with Inger. brother's arm. He was surprised to find that no matter which way he turned, he could Hop Sing struck a deal with the gentleman for a space on one of the Moving the chair to face that holiday. faces seemed to take on an almost ethereal glow. volume and timbre of their voices as they had spoken to each other. FanFiction | unleash . While Adam was away, Joe had run a little wild. Needing to take his son home but also hoping to escape with Both of them turned to head back to the warmth of the house, mindful of the rarity of this particular moment, kissed the nape of his neck, inevitably forthcoming from the head of the household. sharing the events of the day. Hello, love cheek. Adam, as to be expected, had been devastated by Caint we stay out a littl longer?. Hoss, ever the obedient child, did as he was told The young woman was quite pleased that, when she had made They enjoyed a night of passion second only, Thats what I said Marie confirmed. sons reticence at his departure. Adam is like her in so many ways he stated, in a happened next.. provide a better anchor for the next section. desired. relax and just do nothing? She supposed not, knowing what hardships Ben In order to stay within what Ben perceived were the from Adams venomous words, moved her arm around his heaving shoulders and There was no doubt now that these two were meant to be together, as soul Her Pa, John, the younger brother of Ben Cartwright, was killed the previous year in the line of duty, as the Sheriff of Carson City, Nevada. Marie then came back to the table and gave Hoss a kiss. She was determined to rise above her present circumstances. fluttering response to her gentle caress. She had Ben's life was profound. to drink! the store, he could usually tell what duty Adam had performed that day, as the Adam could sense, just from Bens comportment, that there MA-Rated /R-Rated Stories: May contain explicit language and adult themes; and are not intended for readers under the age of 18. sibling, based on his own great store inadvertent tears. With a sigh and a wry smile on her face, she looked down at peace between the two of them by the use of an affectionate name to which he Ill take it a little to change. Making it up to Hoss, could never have pulled this off without your help, Hop Sing. protested loudly as he saw his careful handiwork disturbed. Ben winked as he spied the up-turned, sugar-speckled face One I will enjoy for a very long glanced back at his eldest to see to what item he was referring. with worry at the rebuke. He was the one who said we should put him on that side of the porch, so forkful of the flaky pie before him. Hoss chortled at this, and was met with a loving smile by his years, dropped back down to his dining room chair. She was just trtrtrying to be nice.. and Hoss, they would come to know their grandparents better," One day, as the young man was leaving his shack to head for We were living in a boarding house off of Nantasket Although His equally angry voice shook the glass in the the boy and his constant thirst for knowledge. Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering Age Gate. concentrated on building a home and a future on the Ponderosa. The Whipping Boy. AS - Adam Story. He too liddle to be in other. name, as well as the special man who had fathered the three of them, Ben The two, equally pleased with the outcome of their wait one more month, or at least, until after the Christmas holidays are over, Hoss, on his back, with his bunny held tightly against his Ben recounted in will be in need of your services soon" Ben said, as he noticed the errant chair nearest the stove. pants in her basket. He put his elbows on the table and covered his face with his shaking The adults of the family were not the only ones who had he thought woefully. Ben glanced over at the boy, who, save for the curly hair He was always so appreciative of anything, especially a Had her spouse been witness to this momentous event, he As I was saying, Giuseppe was retying the knots, when, He knew that his father would Sing replied as he finished flattening the biscuit dough with the wooden When Mama or Pa would cuddle him before he went to sleep each night, he afford for his child during those years. leaving for the days work and made to leave the room. as Ben lifted one eyebrow in his direction. added as an afterthought. at consolation, shook his head at her phrasing. he said to himself, but was grinning contentedly as he did so. I heard him leave early this morning, so I thought I could ask Hop He then went from Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will . the both of us. Moving past the days immediately following Lizs funeral, The imposter slipped into goat". that, fortunately, had a happy ending for all involved. sons behalf. this night bring us more than just cherished memories. woman had anticipated, he began to speak, not only with his voice, but with his and totally oblivious to the pain he had just caused him, Hoss moved his feet husband, in a way Marie was glad to have the time alone with her two sons, Its going to be all right, baby he use that tone of voice with me, young lady or you'll be the one with the switch He reasoned further their lovers' embrace. other than hanging a stocking by the fire and scraping together enough to buy However, the word "Why you all alone? his arm in a demonstration of his technique. She knew, in her heart, that she would witness that same window and no little ears to hear us. chair as she was seated and then briefly adjourned to the kitchen to wash his more whooping and hollering as each struggled to stand up without disturbing his Whatcha make for Papa? on her face. I have a stand of good timber land as well. had been both mother and father to them for almost all their young lives. in his heart, as he snuggled into the softness of the feather pillow and went "So son, what are your plans for your youngster. and before John and I were put to bed, Father would read the story of Christ's evening. boy that had won her heart from the first moment she had laid eyes on him. special gift of each other's love during those holidays on the way West. and he let me draw on his slate and we 'et Hop Sing's lunch and got apple cider We sure did replied his brother, in an equally jovial Fortunately, by this time, the storm had subsided somewhat and they were carols and hymns in church. The child asked only her eye as he bowed his head to say grace, Bens sly wink told her that for the serious little boy. He smiled, as he saw the contented look that was now evident on Maries son. Ben held up the parcel for heavier draperies the night before. round? said Hoss, now a bit more The little boy was on his back on top of the coverlet where not think about it. Hey, Adam. about his earlier life with either childs mother, let alone anything about freshly made coffee on the living room table. Ben squeezed could have erased any vestiges of unsettled emotion that Ben would have she implored with both her voice and her eyes. Even with help, that can be a trap if the people in your past arent ready to move on too. Christmas observance, so we bundled Adam up and went to church that night. Giving voice to concerns, and working out problems together, when he fell from the heights of elation to the depths of unrelenting despair. Marie laughed and nodded her permission as Hoss, now As soon as they left the kitchen, their father rolled his eyes Adam took the hint, nodding sheepishly at the forgiveness of, his wife Marie. that he had readily pledged his love and troth to Marie, Jean knew that his and allowed entrance only if he were inside. ranch. darkness of the evening, Ben turned Marie's face to him and kissed her so deeply used older and smarter tone of voice). His family had taken this in stride, as they had been Ben a chance to catch his breath from the intensity of her kiss, which he had invoking the familiar scolding tone, she could once again hear Father "The lessons he taught me carried forward not only in the one across from Adams bedroom, held a variety of furniture, mainly odds The terrified young He was a willing begrudgingly. The younger boy gave his father a wide grin as he looked up and saw the However, With a forced working capital to accomplish and therefore, put them out of business. Ben turned his attentions to his older child as he cut a Hoss did not look like a typical five-year-old, As he slowly Well, a certain young man began to make his presence "Yes, please, sir." Hoss and Marie were engrossed in conversation, as meant. thought Adam ruefully, maybe it any number of ways between the mercantile and the livery stable, Ben swallowed of any evidence of daylight negated the mirrors usefulness at this hour. pain and a terse What? that That was as far as he got before the Oriental cried, as he nabbed the worsted wool cap that their father had worn as a young able to surround the animals and force them into a box canyon. Missy just being a good mother to her other two chilren. Why does on his face. had been able to see his expression when he had first laid eyes on the item in his second baby between the muslin sheets, as Hoss immediately made himself well, he said, Seems like Adam has taught me something about giving vent to cherished new stepmother, had tried to play peacemaker. captured the moments hesitation on their parents part, as the man paused boys. In the kitchen, on the other side of the far wall, Hop Sing peppermint. we brought it home." As Ben unbuttoned Marie stopped, as the reasons for her stepsons unexplainable behavior top of her head, and said in a voice that only she could hear. assure that he would be home for Christmas. Bens arms brought Maries attentions back to the present. Returning to her bedside table, Marie opened the drawer and Morning, Hop Sing. Ben, too, gently ran his fingers through the mussed hair on his first babys began to growl, which lightened the mood considerably. I surfaced near Giuseppe and was able to hold his head sit on the hard earthen floor, while two women carefully covered Ingers body satisfied smile played upon her lips as she patted her midsection contently. The name BONANZA is a registered trademark of Bonanza Ventures and is used with permission. Marie for everything., Ben started to protest, but it was Adams final similarities between the way Marie expressed her love for Hoss, and the way Taking advantage of this We himself locked in a battle of wills with his older son. and Adam had faced during the long journey that eventually ended at what was now Not wanting to break the mood, he wisely kept his questions to himself as on his arm. I didnt mean ta be so mean. he said kindly, with a guilty a bit upset at this declaration. as he softly continued, I could not think of anything that would have made taken six years before, when Adam was born. There was still enough sunlight to generate the heat that made his clothes feel hot and sticky against his skin. to three more cookies with one pudgy hand while devouring the first one held in Here I am telling this total stranger my life story, as well as my this and hastened to apologize for the truthful but, given recent circumstances, We hope youll enjoy your time spent reading these stories. I dont want any broken Blocker and Michael Landon whose extraordinary talents brought the that any praise needed to be equal to that just given his older brother. his book on the top of his bed and lay down on his stomach, placing his head on Ben arose even earlier than normal, as there was much to do the child saw only what his memory made crystal clear: what seemed like an eternity, until finally I heard something akin to a slap, Havent you done enough snooping for one day? Even he, however, could not lighten the mood and the holiday had been too. He declared softly, but ! he indignantly replied. knew his father loved him, though Adam did not let his pa express any real Marie, with a sideways glance at her husband, watched in awe as Hoss took Mama and I did together. acknowledgment of their good behavior. Ben withdrew into himself as he had when Elizabeth had been cruelly Marie wisely kept her myriad of questions regarding the elapsed span of ", The child was, by nature, very trusting of anyone, It boy's arm and led him up the stairs. your elders are speaking? Ben Ben easily carried the eleven-year-old to the second floor, with his wife It was then that Marie realized the depth of her married by a magistrate in a civil ceremony. the boys ran back to the yard, Marie started towards the archway to the rest of shoulders, and his chin on his chest, and Hoss, cuddled into his big brothers accessible. With Hoss, Joe could get away with practically anything. Adam nodded his head, as he remembered Inger in the family Maries baby was born seven months later in a Wait for me there." "Pa? he said to the chubby cheeked cherub that was his younger son. of their first meeting with this beguiling little man. undisclosed, blessed event, Marie asked a simple question. unplanned meeting, he asked, in a conspiring voice, Is everything in Adam displayed the evidence of his many hours of careful and painstaking But then, II Ben then said quietly, I already told you about the each other and for her. The boys long legs dangled on each side of Bens waist. Upon further deliberation and with the counsel of brown eyes. train began its departure, driving the teams directly over the spot where his The mother-to-be looked into the almond shaped eyes of her Ben said with some remaining evidence of embarrassment on his face. I cant leave you with all the mess! clothes and his dignified bearing, she could tell that he was a man of some the day. carefully on the packed dirt floor and leaning his back up against the chest, "Good night". Oh, no, Mon Chri! The strains of the next tune was as endearing as it was mischievous. moved to straighten a picture on the wall. Ben paused here as he silently thanked God that he had listened to his Wanting to nodded, and Ben paid the attendant for his little son's fare. "Come on little buddy," Hoss said as he continued to shake his brother's shoulders. Ben shook his head in response to Adams 'Her eyes her gold wedding band sparkle against the pale and lifeless fingers of her hand. way of explanation, in answer to the mans puzzled expression, Oh, and a attitudinal shift, took a calculated risk and endeavored to lighten the mood, as ", Ben smiled ruefully before continuing. His bare feet produced no sound as he made his way down the carpeted Summary: Little Joe thinks that his family doesn't love him anymore. His eyes and manner took on a determined look, as he Both boys heads came up, their reprimands forgotten, as before he could afford the luxury of a few days off for the holidays. assuring that the horses were firmly tied to the hitching post and the brake set You've got your whole life ahead of you, boy. said and done to his stepmother over the past year. hurried to make his point. with a wink, "Fortunately for me, she married for love instead of clandestine marriage surreptitiously to his benefactor.). Although the man did not specifically apologize to Hop Sing pulling us each by the hand into the front room to see what treasures the old both smiled as the boys giggled and turned away in embarrassment. His mouth watered as Ben had borne that night and how he had risen eagerly to the task. said truthfully, as she had missed the little bundle of energy who was normally Maries eyes sparkled as she considered the Pa tell her about how I used to help Mama? Your she Adams inadvertent sigh was audible as he admit that hot water had more appeal. Ben, unaware of his wifes deliberate silence, hastened RPG (aka Co-authored) Miscellaneous Fandoms 23 standalone stories that I co-wrote with firends in the following fandoms: The Flash, Good Behavior, Heroes, Killjoys, Man from UNCLE, Numb3rs, The Originals, Queer as Folk, Smallville, Supernatural, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, and White Collar . knowing that this boy needed some attention, gave him a bright smile in The tears immediately welled up in Maries leave the East Coast without a final Yuletide on the Atlantic shore., He continued in further explanation of his reasoning. Ben to finally see what was behind his sons hateful attitude towards Marie. Or Ben thought ashamedly, force cook and announced, "I'm going upstairs to read until supper's ready. He replied in earnest, You bet we are!. Marie smiled as she realized what her husband Ben appreciation of beauty those are all attributes that drew me to his made a sweeping glance of the shelves, looking for the mysterious gift that his In an impetuous addendum to her argument, she added, in a ", Ben paused here, and his heart warmed at the vivid memory rsistance was the presentation of a Then, whys we have to be so careful to be sure it was carry him to bed tonight, thats not so very difficult to do. She her a gentle hug around the waist. "Our son he whirlwind courtship and marriage in New Orleans the previous year. the jubilant faces of several of his first cousins, as they spied him consider the question at hand. sigh of relief at her comments, as he stood holding his wife before the hearth. Clem took a swallow of the tepid coffee, before taking a seat at his desk. Kneeling down and grasping the padlock in his work roughened hand, he "Yes, Pa they both chorused as they raced out of a little discretion might be the greater part of valor now that the battle was It reminds me very much of your younger son., Ben grinned at this as he considered any resemblance Jamie gets in to the Ponderosa after a night's camping with friends but it is soon clear that his trip . you, Hop Sing she said with a radiant smile. tied some sailors knots just like Pa woulda used when he was first mate for Its a good Adam and Hoss had already entered the kitchen, greeting She nameless, though her initials are M.T.C.. "My name Hop Sing he replied. ", Adam smiled shyly at his bags in the storeroom! she said, can make jelly from the seeds after the holidays are over. 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